Apologetics in Practice (trailer)
Learning about the evidence and arguments for the truthfulness of Christianity is one thing; putting your knowledge into practice by going out into the world and sharing your faith is another. Engaging in conversation with friends and family members about matters of faith is often a difficult and dangerous task. However, there are many tips and tactics you can employ to help navigate these tricky but infinitely important discussions. In this subject we explore a range of strategies that Christians can use to help have better conversations about the faith with others.
Class outline

Title: Defining Terms + The Burden of Proof
Duration: 58 mins.
No. of videos: 15

Title: Self-defeating Statements + Inconsistent Beliefs
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins
No. of videos: 14

Title: False Starts + Straw Men
Duration: 57 mins.
No. of videos: 7

Title: Fallacies + Ad Hominem Attacks
Duration: 1 hr 04 mins.
No. of videos: 16
Title: The Heart of the Apologist
Duration: 1 hr 10 mins.
No. of videos: 12
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